Take My Hand...The Outtakes.

As I posted a little while ago, here is the list of available outtakes...

  1. Jasper. Fallujah 2004. 436 words. (Chapter 10)
  2. Jasper. Christmas 2006. 1807 words. (Chapter 11)
  3. Jasper. Nursemaid Alice 2007. 1890 words. (Chapter 23/24) *LEMON*
  4. Alice. Finger Painting. 2007. 2959 words. (Chapter 30/31) *LEMON*
  5. Carlisle. Thanksgiving 2006. 1021 words. (Chapter 43)
  6. Leah. Lean on Me. 2007. 1242 words. (Chapter 54) 
  7. Pete. His view of  the incident in Fallujah 2004. 534 words. (Chapter 10)
  8. Emmett. He Ain't Heavy. 1312 words. (Chapter 60/61)

And here is the procedure for obtaining them...

As I've said before, the outtakes are written for and, sent out to loyal reviewers. I'm not going to send them out to people who don't review, because it defeats the point of not only my efforts, but those who do take the time to review the story.
Also, FanFiction has changed the review reply process so, most of my outtakes no longer fit onto PM messages.
If have been reading Take My Hand and you see an outtake mentioned you think you might like, all I ask, is you leave one review per outtake required. 
Put simply, 1 review = 1 outtake.
The chapter you review doesn't have to correspond to the outtake. Just let me know which one you want. As stated above, most of the outtakes don't fit in a PM. My email address is available on my profile page, please send me an email with the address you would like your outtake sent to.
FanFiction does not allow email addresses to be sent via PM, so please contact me via email.
Just in case you can't get it elsewhere, my email address is koko23cat@gmail.com.

I hope this is helpful, as ever, please let me know if there is an outtake you'd like to see. If I can write it, I will.