Thursday 26 May 2011

A teaser...Chapter 41.

Chapter 40 has now been posted. As I'm not entirely sure at this point if 41 will make it's scheduled date, I decided to post the teaser on here as well as sending it out as a review reply. It is unbetaed, mind, so it's subject to editing.

Edward POV.

“What’s up, Jay?” I said quietly, approaching the bed and pulling up a chair.

Jasper looked up at me, a puzzled frown crossing his face. “Two days? I don’t understand. What day is it?”

Technically, its Tuesday’ve been here since Sunday.” I paused noting the way Jasper had his arms wrapped around his chest now Alice was gone. “Are you cold?”

“A little,” Jasper said absently.

I rose and crossed the room to snag the blanket Emmett had brought Alice from home. Jasper smirked slightly when he saw it and I arranged it cautiously over him, taking care not to knock or jostle him. I sat back in my chair as Jasper shifted slightly to make himself more comfortable. Moving seemed to be causing him some discomfort so I waited patiently until he was ready to talk again.

“Thanks,” he said softly.

“No worries. you remember what happened at all?”

“Not really, it’s all a little hazy. I remember the softball game; I did I get here?” Jasper’s voice gave out on his last few words so I reached above him for the cup of ice chips that Leah had left him and put one lightly against his lips, encouraging him to take it in his mouth. I didn’t want to put any fluids in his orally just yet but his throat was bound to be sore from the ET tube and his mouth would be dry from all the meds he was on. Jasper sucked obediently on the ice and looked at me expectantly.

“Emmett brought you in. Mom was worried, apparently you didn’t look so good on Saturday and she sent Emmett to check up on you. He found you on the kitchen floor on Sunday.”

“Shit,” Jasper muttered quietly. “What was it?”

“An obstruction caused by adhesions,” I said and I then proceeded to fill him in on everything that had happened to him since he came in. I was right in my suspicions that he did have a sound medical knowledge, he knew what everything was and the questions he asked me lead me to believe that he understood everything I’d told him. I showed him how to hold his abdomen if he wanted to cough or take a deep breath and I helped him sit up slightly by raising the bed. 

It wasn’t easy to talk to him like he was a patient. He was staring at the central line in his chest and it was hard when I had to tell him he couldn’t go home until it was out. It was going to be a long road back for Jasper and now that I knew a little of difficult it had been for him last time, I felt even worse for him.


Yeah, I know. It's not easy reading, and it doesn't seem fair that he has to go through this again. But, I think it's important to remember that Jasper suffered some really serious injuries. It's not like in films where the hero gets shot and is jumping off buildings again half an hour later. This is real life, and Jasper's a real hero, not some made up, contrived one.

I know which I prefer.

Until next time...


Wednesday 25 May 2011

Another question answered.

LadyJazzle asked ... What do you listen to when writing Take My Hand?

Haha, now that's a question. I do try to listen to music, but unless it's something really ambient, I tend to get too distracted. Staring into space is one of my favourite pastimes and music is my worst trigger.

There are a couple of songs that make me think of Jasper...Take My Hand Jasper, that is. I've shared the videos below. They are British artists but I just love the lyrics.

When I think of Jasper's military life, I tend to have film soundtracks running through my head, most recently, Road to Perdition and (thanks to Jbfrancis) Black Hawk Down. I won't link you the tracks just yet.When we get to that part of the story, I'll fill you in then.

Enjoy the videos!

Until next time...


Monday 23 May 2011

The Beatles- Here Comes The Sun

It's official.

Take My Hand is now officially on hiatus over at I will continue to update it every Thursday on and I would like to take this opportunity to thank my readers over there for their continued support.

It's nothing personal, I just don't have the patience for that site. I'm too busy to spend three days trying to upload a chapter, only to have to wait a month for it to be validated.

Anyway, enough of all that...

So, what did you all think of Jasper's profile? Please let me know if you have any questions about him. Providing it wouldn't create any spoilers, I'll always answer them.

Charlie6859 asked: What sort of music does Jasper like? He never mentions it at all.

Okay, let me start off by saying, I refuse to fall in to that cliched trap of making Jasper a musician. Just because Jackson plays the guitar, doesn't mean Jasper has to. But, to answer the question, Jasper is as eclectic in his music as everything else.

He likes Indie and Rock music, but he's not into heavy metal. He likes old rock music, like the Beatles and Bruce Springsteen.

He's not into country music, it reminds him of Tom Hale.

His momma had an old collection of Jazz and soul records...Gershwin, James Brown, etc...but they disappeared after she died and he's never really listened to it since.

His favourite song - Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles.

His favourite album - Urban Hymns - The Verve.

He had an IPOD in Iraq for a while, one of the original ones. He was in New York in October 2001 visiting Ground Zero, and he bought it then.

It was his constant companion for a while, and he nursed it through sand storms and the like, but it eventually gave up the fight in 2004. Peter remarked once that he was never the same after that. Jasper responded by pushing him in the Euphrates, a river in Iraq.

These days, he uses Alice's when he goes running. He likes typical man music when he's exercising, rap and drum and bass.

Jasper doesn't play much music at home, he prefers the quiet. But he does enjoy watching Alice dance around the house when she has hers playing.

In fact, it's one of his favourite pastimes.

Please feel free to ask me more questions.

Until next time...enjoy the video.


Saturday 21 May 2011

A short one today.

Just to let you all know, Jasper's picture and profile are now up on the blog. Also, check out the outtakes page for some new information.

If anyone has an outtake or missing moment they'd like to see, feel free to post a comment and let me know.

Have a great Saturday...

Until next time...


Friday 20 May 2011

Another day, another banner...

Happy Friday!

This is the second banner the wonderful Frozen-Soldier made for Take My Hand. I love this one just as much, but for totally different reasons. It's the hoodie in the first one, and the eyes in this one.

My next task for this blog is to try and set up a page where I can put up pictures of how I perceive my characters to look. Because, and I discussed this with my beta, Calliope, not long ago, it's not necessarily the actors that I see when I picture them.

Jackson Rathbone has the perfect eyes for my Jasper. Say what you like about him, but his eyes have soul. However, his physique just isn't big enough to play my Jasper. Luckily, though, I have the perfect manip to get around that. I just need someone to put tattoos and scars on it!

Also, K-whingebag-Stew, is not my Bella. At least, not my Take My Hand Bella. She is far too ratty!

Ashley Greene as my Alice? I'm undecided.

What I'm most looking forward to, is finding a man to play my Peter. We have no idea what Eric Odom is going to look like in BD, but I doubt he will look like the Peter I've described in TMH.

Wait and see who I choose! Although, I'm going to have to do my picture trawling when Mr koko is out :P

Hope you like the banner, and the blog so far...if anyone is actually reading it, lol.

Until another time...


Ps, I'll accept any help I can get with setting up this blog...our new toaster has me stumped...

Thursday 19 May 2011

An introduction...

Hello, and welcome to my new blog.

Anyone who knows me from FanFiction will know that I am a Twilight fan...well, actually, more of a Jasper fan than a Twilight fan, these days. Jasper and Alice are the 'ship I write, although, I'm pretty tempted to try a Jasper/Maria fic one of these days.

When choosing a title for this blog, I decided to use the two words that stayed with me long after my Twilight buzz had faded. They refer, of course, to the magical bond between Jasper and Alice. I don't think it's comparable with any other Twi-ship. They just...are.

My baby on FanFiction right now is 'Take My Hand. Anyone who's reading it on Twilighted, please be aware that I am going to remove it very soon. My reasons are to do with the running of the site and the quality of the betaship. If I am to be required to use one, at the very least, I expect them to actually read my chapters. This isn't a criticism of every beta on the site. One I worked with on a previous story was excellent.

To be honest, I only published on Twilighted to get a banner. Now I have a blog...well, you get the message...

Anyone who reads Take My Hand will know that I write outtakes that I send out as review replies. I have decided against posting them on FanFiction, and have instead, decided that I will post them on here. At some point, anyway.

In celebration of that, I present to you the banner that has kept me on Twilighted so long. Designed by the magnificent Frozen-Soldier, it takes my breath away every time.

Until another day...
